BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Using Find > What & Where options

What & Where options

The What & Where tab options determine the item names and locations that will appear in the search results. The following table describes these options.

What & Where options
Option Description

Document name or Folder name

Type some or all of the item name that you want to find. The wildcard characters ? (any single character) and * (any string of characters) are accepted.

This vault

Searches only the current vault.

This folder

Click the Select Folder icon to select a folder within which to limit the search. Select and sub-folders to also search with the subfolders of the selected folder.

This vault and all work areas

Searches the current vault and all work areas.

This collection

Searches only within the selected collection. The existing static and dynamic collections are listed.

All vaults

Searches in all vaults that reside on the same server as the current vault. This option is not available if a scope is active. Work areas in other vaults are not searched.

Selected vaults and work areas

Click Change to select specific vaults and work areas to search.

Related concepts

About searches

Working with collections

Related tasks

Viewing a collection

Saving searches as collections

Configuring a dynamic collection

Deleting a collection

Using Key Find

Using Quick Find

Using Find

Related information

More Criteria options

Object types options

References options

Search Settings options

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